Uncle Sam is pictured here rolling up his sleeves. Not to start a fight, but to get to work. America used to roll up her sleeves and work when she had to, but lately she has been laying on her back. It seems that Americans don't want to work hard anymore, or so some would have the world believe. When the left tells us that we are "entitled" to a job or to money because the times are tough, well Americans used to get going when times got tough. In the eyes of the left I am a simple man, who clings to God and His grace because I don't know any better. I am a simple man and I am proud to say so. I don't take kindly to Americans apoligizing to the world for America's past. We cannot erase our past, it teaches us things. When we forget where we were, we forget how we got here and then anyone can tell our children lies about our past. It's not a perfect history, but we are doomed to repeat the mistakes of our fathers or maybe, their successes. We are in tough times, it's no secret, but in the lean times as in times of plenty, I cling to God. No matter what people tell you, America was founded on the priciples handed down to us by God in His word. Our Constitution, Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independance are the foundations that hold the United States together. "Life, Libery, and the Pursuit of Happiness" are inalienable rights, not health care, unemployment money or houses that we didn't pay for. The next time someone says the words "Obama money", "free money", communism, socialism, or imperialism your ears should perk up. Pay attention to what is happening in America, because if you don't, this dream, this noble experiment that we call The United States of America will become a nightmare, and you won't know how it got that way.
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